Great Tips for Those Who Want to Be Successful Cybersportsmen

Great Tips for Those Who Want to Be Successful Cybersportsmen

There are no doubts that eSports is our future. Young people win millions by playing Dota 2, League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and many other games. But what if you want to do the same? As usual, from the outside, everything seems much simpler than it really is because successful cybersportsmen have invested enough effort into their business to make it look simple in their execution.

Here are 3 tips: what to do to become a cyber sportsman in the real world or not to become but not to be left with nothing.

3 Tips for a Beginner eSportsman

No matter how seductive the prospect of earning millions by playing your favorite Dota or Counter-Strike, be prepared to face a paradox. As soon as you step on the path “I want to be the best of all,” the entertainment will end. You must be prepared to give yourself to the game entirely. To spend many hours on everything connected with it, and not to give up even when all efforts seem to be in vain.

  • Training is not just a repetition. If you are not a young talent with an innate talent for "DotA", then in order to become the best and bet on, it is not enough to play a lot - you need to play with the mind. Notice, analyze, in the end, time to stop and take a timeout. Develop a mode, try to play at a certain time and not more than a certain number of hours (find your comfortable quota). Arrange debriefing, review replays of your games, pay attention to the sagging moments in your game and, if necessary, focus on them. By the way, the help of a more experienced player who will point out these moments for you will have to be the way. Yes, it sounds boring, but a systematic approach is the key to growth. Playing too much and "blindly", you will ultimately reduce the effectiveness of training to zero and just get more tired.
  • Do not forget that "healthy mind is in a healthy body." Good physical training in the intervals between play, study, work and other great helps to clear the mind and shake the bones. It's never too late to start. The hypothesis that cybersportsmen are out of order earlier than ordinary athletes (the reaction, they say, is not the same, and the courage is not enough), so no one has proved. No doubt, the “old” players in eSports are beginning to be considered much earlier, but this is more a question of the public perception of video games than of a special accelerated mode of aging of cybersports. If you feel ready to continue, why not?
  • Do not forget about streaming. Broadcasting on Twitch or any other streaming service is a good way to make yourself known. If you are really good at this, sooner or later the whole world will notice you. So it was, for example, with Bjergsen, one of the best mid-lainers in western LoL but do not abuse. Playing to the public, you will play worse than usual - this is almost certainly. On Twitch, good comments and interaction with the audience in the chat are appreciated, and this will certainly in one way or another distract you from the game.

Follow the tips and increase your chances to achieve your goal.

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