The International Potmark Workshop


Adams, B. 1993
Potmark Forgery: A Serekh of Semerkhet from Abydos.
Discussions in Egyptology 25: 1-12.
Adams, B. and Porat, N. 1996
Imported Pottery with Potmarks from Abydos.
In J. Spencer (ed.), Aspects of Early Egypt: 98-107.
Adams, J. J. and Smith, D. 2017
First money and credits with Potmarks from Abydos.
Unpublished. By courtesy of See the origin here.
Alain Anselin
L'Amê jambée des potmarks de la I. Dynastie.
Unpublished. By courtesy of A. Anselin. © Alain Anselin
Alain Anselin
Potmarks Studies I. Etude discutée de lectures de Potmarks pré-dynastique.
Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie 15
Alain Anselin 2008
L'intention phonétique III: Le potier et le scribe. Potmarks et powermarks prédynastiques: du coté des auteurs.
Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie no. 11:83-102
Alain Anselin 2010
L'intention phonétique II. Meret et le pot au lait.
Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie nos. 13-14:99-113
Alain Anselin 2011
Potmarks Studies III. Les potmarks du groupe LXVIII de la base de donnéees de
i-Medjat no. 6 mars 2011. Papyrus électronique des Ankhou.
Amélineau, E. 1899
Les nouvelles fouilles d'Abydos, 1895-1896). Vol. I.
Amélineau, E. 1904
Les nouvelles fouilles d'Abydos, 1897-1898. Vol. III.
Arnett, W.S.1982
The Predynastic Origin of Egyptian Hieroglyphics: Evidence for the Development of Rudimentary Forms of Hieroglyphs in Upper Egypt in the Fourth Millennium BC.
University Press of America, Washington D.C.
Baines, J. 2004
The Earliest Egyptian Writing: Development, Context, Purpose.
Pp. 150-189 in S.D. Houston (ed.), The First Writing: Script Invention as History and Process. Cambridge: Cambridge University press.
Boghdady, F. 1932
An Archaic Tomb at Old Cairo.
ASAE 32:153-160.
Bonnet, H. 1928
Ein frühgeschichtliches Gräberfeld bei Abusir.
Veröffentlichungen der Ernst von Sieglin Expedition in Ägypten. Leipzig.
Bréand, G.
The Corpus of Pre-Firing Potmarks from Adaïma (Upper Egypt)
British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan 13 (2009): 49-72
Bréand, G. 2005
Les marques et graffiti sur poteries de l'Egypte pré- et protodynastique. Perspectives de recherches à partir de l'exemple d'Adaïma.
Archéo-Nil 15 (2005): 17-30.
Bréand, G. 2008
Signes sur poteries et enregistrement comptable en Égypte pré et protodynastique. L'exemple du signe des "bâtons brisés".
Bréand, Gaëlle
Poster of Corpus of Pre-Firing Potmarks from Adaïma
Poster for the Proceedings of Origins 3, London
Campagno, M. 2005
On the Post-firing Potmarks with Human Figures from Naqada.
Journal of the Serbian Archaeological Society 21: 125-132
Damerow, P. 2006
The Origins of Writing as a Problem of Historical Epistemology.
Cuneiform Digital Library Journal 2006:1
Daressy, M.G. 1905
Une édifice archaïque à Nezlet Batran.
ASAE 6:99-106.
Donnan, C.B. 1971
Ancient Peruvian Potter's Marks and Their Interpretation through Ethnographic Analogy.
American Antiquity 36(/4): 460-466.
Dreyer, G. 1999
Ein Gefäß mit Ritzmarke des Narmer.
MDAIK 55: 1-6.
Emery, W.B. 1938
Excavations at Saqqara: The Tomb of Hemaka.
Governement Press, Cairo
Emery, W.B. 1939
Excavations at Saqqara 1937-1938: Hor-Aha.
Emery, W.B. 1949
Great Tombs of the First Dynasty, vol. I.
EES, London
Emery, W.B.1954
Great Tombs of the First Dynasty, vol. II.
Governement Press, Cairo.
Emery, W.B.1958
Great Tombs of the First Dynasty, vol. III.
EES, London.
Engel, E-M. 1997
Zu den Ritzmarken der 1. Dynastie.
LinAeg 5: 13-27.
Engel, E-M. 2005
Ein weiterer Beleg für den Doppelfalken auf einem Serech.
Bulletin of the Egyptian Museum 2: 65-70.
Fairservis, Jr. W.A. 1983
Hierakonpolis-The Graffiti and the Origins of Egyptian Hieroglyphic Writing.
The Hierakonpolis Project Occassional Papers in Anthropology, No. 2. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY.: 3-31
Gallorini, C. 1998
Incised Marks on Pottery and Other Objects from Kahun: Systems of Communication in Egypt during the Late Middle Kingdom.
Unpublished Ph.D thesis. Institute of Archaeology, University College London.
Gilroy, T. D., Adams, B., Hendrickx, S. and van den Brink, E.C.M. 2001.
A Checklist of Sherds from Petrie’s Excavations in the Royal Necropolis at Ummel-Ga’ab, Abydos.
Göttinger Miszellen 182: 31-58.
Gilroy, T.D. 2001
“Forgotten” Serekhs in the Royal Ontario Museum.
GM 180: 67-74.
Graff, G. 2013
Signifying without Writing: Graphic Systems before the Emergence of Writing in Predynastic Egypt.
Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie 17:31-53
Hassan, F.A., Tassie, G. van Wetering, J. and Calcoen, B. In press.
Corpus of Potmarks from the Proto/Early Dynastyic Cemetery at Kafr Hassan Dawood, Wadi Tumilat, East Delta, Egypt.
In B. Midant-Reynes and Y. Tristant (eds.) with the collaboration of J. Rowland and S. Hendrickx, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. Origin of the State 2. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta.
Helck, W. 1985
VI: 635-636.
Helck, W. 1990
Thinitische Töpfmarken.
ÄA 50, Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden.
Hope, C.A. 1999
Some Remarks on Potmarks of the Late Eightheen Dynasty.
Pp. 121-146 in A. Leahy and J. Tait (eds.), Studies on Ancient Egypt in Honour of H.S. Smith. The Egypt Exploration Society, London.
Jucha, M.A. In press.
The Corpus of "Potmarks" from the Graves at Tell el-Farkha.
In B. Midant-Reynes and Y. Tristant (eds.) with the collaboration of J. Rowland and S. Hendrickx, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. Origin of the State 2. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta. Leuven: Peeters Publishing.
Junker, H. 1912
Bericht über die Grabungen der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien auf dem Friedhof in Turah, Winter 1909-1910.
DÖAW 62(3), Vienna.
Köhler, E. C. and Smythe, J. 2004.
Early Dynastic Pottery from Helwan – Establishing a Ceramic Corpus of the Pottery from Helwan.
Cahiers de la Céramique Égyptienne 7: 123-143.
Köhler, E. C. and van den Brink, E.C.M. 2002.
Four Jars with Incised Serekh-Signs from Helwan Recently Retrieved from the Cairo Museum.
Göttinger Miszellen 187: 59-81.
Klasens, A. 1958a
The Excavations of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities at Abu Roash. Report of the First Season: 1957, Part II.
OMRO 39:20-31.
Klasens, A. 1958b
The Excavations of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities at Abu Roash. Report of the Second Season: 1958, Part I.
OMRO 39:32-55.
Klasens, A. 1959
The Excavations of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities at Abu Roash. Report of the Second Season: 1958, Part II. "Cemetery 400".
OMRO 41-61.
Klasens, A. 1960
The Excavations of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities at Abu Roash. Report of the Third Season: 1959, Part I.
OMRO 41: 69-94.
Klasens, A. 1961
The Excavations of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities at Abu Roash. Report of the Third Season: 1959, Part II. Cemetery M.
OMRO 42: 108-128.
Kroeper, K. 2000.
Corpus of Potmarks from The Pre/Early Dynastic Cemetery at Minshat Abu Omar (Northeastern Delta, Egypt).
In L. Krzyzaniak, K. Kroeper and M. Kobusiewicz (eds.), Recent Research into The Stone Age of Northeastern Africa. Poznan: Poznan Archaeological Museum: 187-218.
Lasken, J.E. 1993.
Egyptian Pot Marks: A Dilemma.
The Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers 22: 47-57
Macramallah, R. 1940
Une cimitière archaïque de la classe moyenne du peuple à Saqqarah.
SAE, Cairo.
Mawdsley, L.
The Corpus of Potmarks from Tarkhan.
British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan 13 (2009): 197-219
Mawdsley, Lisa. 2006 a
The Potmarks from Tarkhan: An Examination of the Administrative Function of First Dynasty Potmarks from Egypt.
Unpublished B. Litt(Hons) thesis.Monash University, Clayton, Victoria
Mawdsley, Lisa. 2006 b
A First Dynasty Egyptian Wine Jar with a Potmark in the Collection of the Australian Institute of Archaeology.
Buried History 42:11-16
Mawdsley, Lisa. Unpublished.
Provenanced and unprovenanced First Dynasty potmarks from Tarkhan.
Unpublished. By courtesy of L Mawdsley. © L. Mawdsley
Montet, P. 1946
Tombeaux de la Ier et de la IVe Dynasties à Abu Roach: 2e partie: Inventaire de objects.
Kemi 8: 157-227
Nissen, H.J., Damerow, P. and Englund, R.K.
Archaic Bookkeeping: Early Writing and Techniques of Economic Administration in the Ancient Near East.
Chicago: Chicago University Press
Pantalacci, L. 2002.
Les marques sur la céramique.
In G. Soukiassian, M. Wuttmann and L. Pantalacci (eds.) Le palais des gouverneurs de l‘époque de Pépy II: Les sanctuaires de ka et leurs dépendances , FIFAO 46, 446–59. Cairo.
Petrie, W.M.F 1907
Gizeh and Rifeh.
BSAE 13, London
Petrie, W.M.F. 1900
The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty, Part I.
EES 18, London
Petrie, W.M.F. 1901
The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties, Part II.
EES 21, London
Petrie, W.M.F. 1914
Tarkhan II.
BSAE 26, London
Petrie, W.M.F. 1925
Tombs of the Courtiers and Oxyrhynkhos.
BSAE 37, London
Petrie, W.M.F. 1953
Corpus of Proto-Dynastic Pottery.
BSAE 66b, London.
Petrie, W.M.F. and Quibell, J.E. 1896
Naqada and Ballas.
BSAE 1, London
Petrie, W.M.F., Wainright, G.A. and Gardner, A.H. 1913
Tarkhan I and Memphis V.
BSAE 23, London.
Schmandt-Besserat, D.
Before Writing.
Austin: University of Texas press
Tassie, G.F., Hassan, F.A., van Wetering, J. and Calcoen, B. forthcoming
Corpus of Potmarks from the Protodynastic to Early Dynastic Cemetery at Kafr Hassan Dawood, Wadi Tumilat, East Delta, Egypt.
to be published in the Proceedings of the Origins 2 (Toulouse) conference. By courtesy of G.J. Tassie © G.J. Tassie et al.
Tutundzic, S.P. 2000
Predynastic Potmarks in the Shape of Boats.
Discussions in Egyptology 48: 95-113.
van den Brink, E.C.M.
London 2008 conference prepaper. The International Potmark Workshop: While at London and After or How to Progress with the Study of Early Dynastic Potmarks?
van den Brink, E.C.M. 1988
The Amsterdam University Survey Expedition to the northeastern Nile Delta (1984-1986).
Pp. 65-114 in E.C.M. van den Brink (ed.), The Archaeology of the Nile Delta; Problems and Priorities. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Wolfkamp
van den Brink, E.C.M. 1992
Corpus and Numerical Evaluation of the ‘Thinite’ Potmarks.
In R. Friedman and B. Adams, (eds.) The Followers of Horus. Studies dedicated to Michael Allen Hoffman, 1944-1990: 265-296. Oxford: Oxbow.
van den Brink, E.C.M. 1996
The Incised Serekh-Signs of Dynasties 0-1: Part I: Complete Vessels.
In J. Spencer (ed.), Aspects of Ancient Egypt.Occasssional Papers of the British Museum. London: 133-151
van den Brink, E.C.M. 2001
The Pottery-Incised Serekh-Signs of Dynasties 0-1: Part II: Fragments and Additional Complete Vessels.
Archéo-Nil 11:24-100.
van den Brink, E.C.M. 2007
Cahiers Caribéens d'Egyptologie no. 10 février-mars 2007
van den Brink, E.C.M. 2008
Two Pottery Jars Incised with the Name of Iry-Hor from Tomb B1 at Umm el-Ga'ab, Abydos
Pp. 655-660 in E-V. Engel, V. Müller and U. Hartung eds., Zeichen aus dem Sand. Streiflichter aus Ägyptens Geschichte zu Ehren von Günter Dreyer.
van den Brink, E.C.M. 2010
First Dynasty Wine Jars Inscribed with the Floral Sign Sm'j
Pp. 331-347 in F. Raffaele et al. eds., Recent Discoveries and Latest Researches in Egyptology
van den Brink, E.C.M. and Braun, E. 2002.
Wine Jars with Serekhs from Early Bronze Lod: Appellation Valleé du Nil Controlée, but for whom?
In E.C.M. van den Brink and E. Yannai (eds.), In Quest of Ancient Settlements and Landscapes. Archaeological Studies in Honour of Ram Gophna. Ramot Publishing-Tel Aviv.
van den Brink, E.C.M. unpublished
Addition to GM 182 (2001) List I: Identified Potmark Sherds.
van Haarlem, W.M. 1996
A Tomb of the First Dynasty at Tell Ibrahim Awad.
OMRO 76: 7-34
Wodzińska, A. 2009
Potmarks from Early Dynastic Buto and Old Kingdom Giza: Their Occurrence and Economic Significance.
British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan 13 (2009): 239–61.
Yacoub, F. 1981
The Archaic Tombs at Tura el-Asmant.
ASAE 64:159-161.
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